Are you an emotional hoarder?

Are you an emotional hoarder? We all gather and store emotional responses to life experiences but how healthy that collection is, can vary vastly. Emotional hoarding is like a shed or garage full of boxes. We’ve collected these boxes over time and they fill the...

Lessons Learned in 2016

2016 was a massive year for me with lots of wins and some big, kick you in the butt, then kick you in the gut lessons. I learned a lot and can feel pretty satisfied with the progress I’ve made. It’s often said that you keep getting the lesson until you...

Curing My Adult Acne: An 18 Month Journey of Trial and Error

Disclaimer: this is a personal experience of acne that hopes to offer some avenues for exploration without a guarantee. Each person’s body is different and it would be impossible to completely replicate all of the conditions outlined here. As a teenager, I never...

Empower yourself: Reflect and reframe.

Often we search for profound ways to empower ourselves, seeking out a magic pill, a thrilling act, an “ah ha” moment that pumps us full of endorphins and certainly, it is an intoxicating notion. The reality is that true empowerment comes from daily...

4 Empowering Lessons from 100+ days of Journaling

Journaling. It’s the big thing, along with daily meditation and green smoothies to get you in the zone. To be fair and full disclosure I love a good green smoothie as long as it’s not packed full of sugar, and if I were more disciplined I might even get on...