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Reach your Goals by Ditching 7 Self-sabotaging Behaviours.

I've been working in the space of goal setting for years both as a client and a teacher. I have been drilled on all the traditional successful goal setting techniques that are hyper masculine and hyper hustle culture. Frankly they're not particularly helpful for women...

Have a very shitty Christmas:

How to avoid a festive family dinner disaster 'Tis the season for family gatherings and overindulging. It’s also the time of year that so many start dreading the family gathering, drunken snark and pending fallout. So rather than falling into the annual trap, leaving...

A Week of Aha

A week of #aha and the intersection of experience with Change your Thoughts Change your Life It’s funny how we can cruise through the days just doing our own thing and then others we’re deep in it, getting hit with lessons, epiphanies and aha moments like no ones...

Are you an emotional hoarder?

Are you an emotional hoarder? We all gather and store emotional responses to life experiences but how healthy that collection is, can vary vastly. Emotional hoarding is like a shed or garage full of boxes. We've collected these boxes over time and they fill the space...

Lessons Learned in 2016

2016 was a massive year for me with lots of wins and some big, kick you in the butt, then kick you in the gut lessons. I learned a lot and can feel pretty satisfied with the progress I've made. It's often said that you keep getting the lesson until you "get" the...

Curing My Adult Acne: An 18 Month Journey of Trial and Error

Disclaimer: this is a personal experience of acne that hopes to offer some avenues for exploration without a guarantee. Each person's body is different and it would be impossible to completely replicate all of the conditions outlined here. As a teenager, I never...

Empower yourself: Reflect and reframe.

Often we search for profound ways to empower ourselves, seeking out a magic pill, a thrilling act, an "ah ha" moment that pumps us full of endorphins and certainly, it is an intoxicating notion. The reality is that true empowerment comes from daily activities of...

4 Empowering Lessons from 100+ days of Journaling

Journaling. It's the big thing, along with daily meditation and green smoothies to get you in the zone. To be fair and full disclosure I love a good green smoothie as long as it's not packed full of sugar, and if I were more disciplined I might even get on the...

Embracing the unapologetic life!

I used to apologise for a lot of things. Often silently, internally and to people unaware that I was even doing it. I used to apologise for how I dressed (especially after overhearing 2 colleagues discusssing how "dressed up" I was and a raft of somewhat unflattering...

Gratitude Platitudes

I'm not going to tell you to be grateful for your hardships because inspite of all of the personal growth to have come from it, I know that you would give it up in a heartbeat. I'm not going to patronise you by suggesting that you will now be so much more...

9 ways Bikram Yoga is a Metaphor for Life and Business

Last week I met with a friend of mine who suggested I try joining her for Bikram yoga. I'd been thinking about finding out about something like it so it seemed like an opportune moment to start. My mum trained as a teacher of Hatha and Raja yoga back in the 70s so I'd...

Worst. Workshop. Ever… 5 Tips for Workshops that Work.

The other night I met up with a friend and we both headed off to a state government run small business workshop purporting to offer helpful information. We were teamed up and ready to be inspired and glean some tasty tidbits of implementable genius. What followed was...

Manifesting Leonie Dawson

Manifesting Leonie Dawson

This is one of those quirky little tales, that's not stalker-ish at all. I began following Leonie Dawson back in 2013 at the very start of my self-development journey. I had purchased  a series of interviews from the Feminine Business Model Telejam and Leonie was one...

Nothing Beats A Retreat!

 As a teacher I'm extremely familiar with the importance of the classroom environment when it comes to  effective teaching and learning, and I have to say that as an adult learner, nothing beats a retreat. Retreats are intense, jam-packed, deep learning opportunities,...

Not Everything Happens For A Reason

It's a common sentiment: everything happens for a reason. It's meant to be reassuring, and profound, and empowering but quite frankly if someone had said it to me after my baby died I would have punched them in the face (maybe not actually but you get my drift). The...

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Coach for Free

As an empowerment coach I end up having a lot of conversations of the type of thing I can help with, family, friends and colleges as well as potential clients. I'm often asked for advice and certainly have lots of personal dilemmas disclosed to me whether I like it or...

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